Cambodia’s UXO Salvage Divers Exhibition opens in Australia

Sorry for the radio silence over the past couple of weeks its been a busy time planning the next step for the divers project. The show finished at the Brunei Gallery in London at the end of September and was really well received. The show has now moved and opens today at the Kerry Packer Gallery in Adelaide, South Australia.  I should have some images from the show soon to share.

The exhibition will be the same as the show at the Brunei Gallery but also will have a projection of the Diver Portraits which has also separately been really well received being published by the BBC and National Geographic . 

The show will for a month and after that I will have some more news to share, The life of this project and the new audiences it reaches is really good to see, I spoke with the dive team last week when working on a different project ( again more to come !! ) there off season should be coming to an end soon so looking forward to bringing you some more images of this remarkable programme.

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